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Traducción mx one 3.8

Publicado por mcoves, Septiembre 08, 2008, 05:28:45 PM

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I´ve just download and start to use mx one 3.8. First of all I would like to congratulation the developer of mx one by the excellent idea.
Using the program on usb version I don´t like the translation to portuguese (I'm from Brazil). So I try to reinstall the program in English, but it does not works.
Some one could help me? I would like to install the USB version of mx one 3.8 on English version? How can I do that?

OBS1: I do install the desktop guardian mx one 3.8 on English version.

OBS2: TO THE DEVELOPERS! If you want, maybe I could help on the translation to Portuguese. You just have to tell me how, ok?


Hm, em esse caso, veja o tôpico de 'Turkish Translation', aí está o texto base, pode traduzir dele.

(en ese caso ve el tópico Turkish Translation', ahí está el texto base, puedes traducir de él.)



Here is the english tranlation:

And the latest portuguese translation:

Red Mx

The translates are close , for mx one 4.0 need help.

Dominios, Hosting Y Desarrollo Web, con la calidad de LDC.


Thanks for reply.
The new Portuguese translation it´s very good!!!
